Wellness Programs
“My mission is to bring Holistic Wellness, unlimited energy and peace of mind through Ayurveda” – Dr Aarti Vyas
Ayurvedic Treatment Programs
All of Vyas Ayurved’s programs are designed with each individual in mind and will vary depending on physical and emotional needs. Program options include a wide range of therapies, treatments, and constellations and medications to help you naturally reconnect with your most balanced self and Support natural ability of your body and mind to heal any chronic illness that you may complain of.
What will you gain from these programs ?
All of our natural healing programs will help you in sustaining the long-term health benefits of your treatments & consultations, which will provide you necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future diseases or injuries.
Please email us contact@vyasayurved.com to know more about these programs?
Ayurvedic Treatment Programs
Mental wellness program: (Men/Women)
Mental wellness plays a significant part in an individual’s holistic health. It has a deeper impact on your physical and intellectual health. Although we are well trained to keep ourselves physically healthy, mental wellness is not something that’s been taught. That’s the reason seeking expert guidance for your mental health is very important to enjoy a joyful and healthy life.
Gathering Ayurvedic knowledge since our 18 years of experience in treating patients, we wanted to design this program and serve you the best mental wellness treatment techniques.
Who should consider this program?
Are you feeling stressful, depressed, extreme guilt, loneliness, having irregular sleep cycles and anxiety, just should consider our program to get your health back on track.
Enrol to our mental wellness program now
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in Mental wellbeing program
- Head massage
- Foot Massage
- Pinda Swedana
- Shirodhara
- Nasya
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Mental Wellbeing program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Energised feeling with relaxed Mind
- Glowing Skin
- Reduced Hairfall with a healthy scalp
- Increased Metabolic Rate,
- Assistance in Body shaping
Consulting Dr Aarti Vyas was a suggestion given to me by my friend and that was by far one of the best decisions I’ve made, by consulting her. I had irregular menstruation, stress, a lot of body heat and acidity issues. Dr Aarti made me understand the reasons why I was facing these issues and guided me very well. I started taking her medicines and within 1 month I saw positive results for myself. My periods started to get regular and the pain reduced too, along with that my stress levels reduced noticeably as well.
I went through Shirodhara which is an Ayurvedic treatment which she recommended and that worked like wonders for me. After the treatment my stress levels, body heat and acidity dropped down drastically. It helped me release a lot of emotional baggage.
Overall, I’ve had the best experience with Dr Aarti and I’m very happy with it.
-Shruti Age 24 (Australia)
Menstrual Care program: (Women)
Our Menstrual Care program designed by our experts, gives you a personalised care and focuses on your mental and physical health adhering to the safe ayurvedic practices and medicines.
Once a woman starts menstruating, she may begin to experience emotional changes and psychological symptoms in yourself. This is a natural phenomenon occurring in 75% of women.
This has a greater impact on a woman’s health than what it looks like.
Who should consider this program?
Are you experiencing imbalance with your Sleep timings, unusual food cravings, Weight gain, mood swings, increased anxiety starts to show up? which is not a good sign. Taking proper guidance is very crucial for this period.
Enrol to our Menstrual Care program and seek our expert guidance .
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in program:
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
- Udvartana
- Pinda Swedana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Uttarbasti
- Yapan Basti
- Shirodhara
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Menstrual Care program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Corrects Menstrual Cycle & Premenstrual tensions
- Helps to improve Digestion & Metabolism
- Rectifies Bloating, Acidity, Headache
- Lessens Hair Fall
- Glowing Skin
“So, I am a teenager and from nearly 5 to 6 months ago I started facing a problem. My periods were normal. When I was not on period and did an activity including running, I had a little blood flow. No matter what my period date was, it happened. And only when I did a running activity. When I played other games, danced or went cycling it didn’t happen. It gave me painful cramps and some blood flow. So Aarti mavshi gave me two of her medicines, a powder Manasa and a pill. And as long as I took them, everything was in control. I didn’t get blood flow or cramps even if I ran. So, my mom convinced me that these are Herbal & Safe! The effect was only till I took the medicines. But it was still very helpful. Thank you Aarti mavshi!”
Adolescent Girl (14 Years)
“Good morning. My experience with Dr Aarti Vyas is wonderful. Her medication, and thought process positively affects not only on Physical health but as well as your Mental Health. There were irregularities with my menstrual cycle. But after treatment from Dr Aarti Vyas I have been overcome from that problem. I would like to thank Dr Aarti Vyas.🌹 “
Anonymous patient from Bangalore
Hormonal Correction (Men /Women)
This program focuses on Hormonal correction for your Metabolism, Nutrition, Reproduction, and influences Mental Health.
Who should consider this program?
Are you feeling restless, Having no energy or motivation,Crying a lot, Trouble focusing, seeing abnormal hair growth, getting frustrated, searching for safe & long lasting options.
Then your search ends here!
Book our Hormonal Wellness Program NOW!
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in Hormonal Correction program :
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
- Udvartana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Shirodhara
- Uttarbasti
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Hormonal Correction program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Energised feeling with relaxed Mind
- Glowing Skin
- Reduced Hairfall with a healthy scalp
- Increased Metabolic Rate,
- Assistance in Body shaping
I was suffering from PCOD and I had prolonged periods and a very short period cycle. Due to these hormonal changes I gained a lot of weight, had mood swings and lows which affected my energy levels too. After starting with Dr Aarti’s medicines, within 3 months, my periods started to regulate, my weight reduced gradually and I felt better within. I continued taking the medicines and now I do not have any symptoms of PCOD at all without any side effects.
Overall, her medicines made me feel better mentally and physically. She even provides ayurvedic treatments which are very effective and the results for those are long lasting. Dr Aarti has a kind, gentle & understanding approach which is very assuring, she definitely is an angel of a doctor. I would recommend the ones having any hormonal issues or stress related issues to get in touch with her for sure and you will have great results.
Tanvi (Age 24)
Menopause Care program: (Women)
This program is designed to create a balance in your emotions and maintain the Health & Wellness, post Hormonal decline. Menopause is a natural phase of life just like Puberty. It is when the Hormones in a woman’s body stops producing, causes a huge imbalance in her body functioning.
Who should consider this program?
It doesn’t show up directly. You may get anxious, gain body weight, develop joint issues, vitamin and calcium deficiencies. You may see accumulation of toxins, ageing process fasts, some of you may feel worthless, or sleep too little or too much, some may feel suicidal…
Vyas Ayurved’s Menopause Care has the techniques that can take care of all these and helps you achieve the best years ahead.
Don’t let the stoppage of menstruation take over your health.
Enrol or Gift our Menopause Care Program and achieve a healthy life ahead.
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in Menopause Care program
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
- Udvartana
- Pinda Swedana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Yapan Basti
- Shirodhara
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Menopause Care program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Helps in Insomnia, Anxiety, & headaches
- Soothes & tones the skin
- Reduce Stress
- Opens the Third Eye
- Increases Spiritual Awareness
मी बँकेत कामाला आहे, कामाच्या अनियमित वेळा, बैठं काम,ताण, प्रवास, कौटुंबिक जबाबदार्या आणि आणि व्यायामाचा अभाव या कारणांमुळे अपचन, निद्रानाश आणि वाढतं वजन यासारख्या कारणांना सामोरे जावे लागत होते. या त्रासातून मुक्त होण्यासाठी मी आयुर्वेद पद्धतीचा अवलंब करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. व्यास आयुर्वेद यांच्या Menopause Care उपचार पद्धतीला मी सुरुवात केली आणि थोड्याच दिवसात मला खूप चांगला अनुभव आला, माझ्या मुख्य तक्रारी पूर्णपणे कमी झाल्या आहेत.
आणि यामुळे माझ्या वैयक्तिक आयुष्यात मी खूप आनंदी आहे. व्यास आयुर्वेद वरती मी पूर्णपणे विश्वास
ठेवते धन्यवाद !
स्वाती पवार, Working Woman
मला गेल्या पंधरा-सोळा वर्षापासून कोरड्या खोकल्याचा खूप त्रास होता. सर्व प्रकारची औषधे घेऊन पाहिली पण उपयोग होत नव्हता. नंतर डॉ.आरती व्यास यांचे औषध सुरू केले. वर्षभर औषध घेतले व त्याचा मला खूपच उपयोग झाला व खोकल्याचा त्रास पूर्ण बंद झाला आहे.
शैलजा ओक
Menopause Care program: (Women)
This program is designed to create a balance in your emotions and maintain the Health & Wellness, post Hormonal decline. Menopause is a natural phase of life just like Puberty. It is when the Hormones in a woman’s body stops producing, causes a huge imbalance in her body functioning.
Who should consider this program?
It doesn’t show up directly. You may get anxious, gain body weight, develop joint issues, vitamin and calcium deficiencies. You may see accumulation of toxins, ageing process fasts, some of you may feel worthless, or sleep too little or too much, some may feel suicidal…
Vyas Ayurved’s Menopause Care has the techniques that can take care of all these and helps you achieve the best years ahead.
Don’t let the stoppage of menstruation take over your health.
Enrol or Gift our Menopause Care Program and achieve a healthy life ahead.
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in Menopause Care program
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
- Udvartana
- Pinda Swedana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Yapan Basti
- Shirodhara
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Menopause Care program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Helps in Insomnia, Anxiety, & headaches
- Soothes & tones the skin
- Reduce Stress
- Opens the Third Eye
- Increases Spiritual Awareness
मी बँकेत कामाला आहे, कामाच्या अनियमित वेळा, बैठं काम,ताण, प्रवास, कौटुंबिक जबाबदार्या आणि आणि व्यायामाचा अभाव या कारणांमुळे अपचन, निद्रानाश आणि वाढतं वजन यासारख्या कारणांना सामोरे जावे लागत होते. या त्रासातून मुक्त होण्यासाठी मी आयुर्वेद पद्धतीचा अवलंब करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. व्यास आयुर्वेद यांच्या Menopause Care उपचार पद्धतीला मी सुरुवात केली आणि थोड्याच दिवसात मला खूप चांगला अनुभव आला, माझ्या मुख्य तक्रारी पूर्णपणे कमी झाल्या आहेत.
आणि यामुळे माझ्या वैयक्तिक आयुष्यात मी खूप आनंदी आहे. व्यास आयुर्वेद वरती मी पूर्णपणे विश्वास
ठेवते धन्यवाद !
स्वाती पवार, Working Woman
मला गेल्या पंधरा-सोळा वर्षापासून कोरड्या खोकल्याचा खूप त्रास होता. सर्व प्रकारची औषधे घेऊन पाहिली पण उपयोग होत नव्हता. नंतर डॉ.आरती व्यास यांचे औषध सुरू केले. वर्षभर औषध घेतले व त्याचा मला खूपच उपयोग झाला व खोकल्याचा त्रास पूर्ण बंद झाला आहे.
शैलजा ओक
Menopause Care program: (Women)
This program is designed to create a balance in your emotions and maintain the Health & Wellness, post Hormonal decline. Menopause is a natural phase of life just like Puberty. It is when the Hormones in a woman’s body stops producing, causes a huge imbalance in her body functioning.
Who should consider this program?
It doesn’t show up directly. You may get anxious, gain body weight, develop joint issues, vitamin and calcium deficiencies. You may see accumulation of toxins, ageing process fasts, some of you may feel worthless, or sleep too little or too much, some may feel suicidal…
Vyas Ayurved’s Menopause Care has the techniques that can take care of all these and helps you achieve the best years ahead.
Don’t let the stoppage of menstruation take over your health.
Enrol or Gift our Menopause Care Program and achieve a healthy life ahead.
Each and every client is treated in Vyas Ayurved first with consultation. It helps find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness. We prescribe individual treatments as per the patients’ needs.
Treatments we offer in Menopause Care program
- Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
- Swedana (Herbal Steam)
- Udvartana
- Pinda Swedana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Yapan Basti
- Shirodhara
Our consultation process helps to find out the root cause of the illnesses, relieve them effectively and transform your body from illness to wellness.
Consultation Process:
We want to ensure you achieve sustainable long-term health benefits with our Menopause Care program. In this program, we also provide necessary knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle and medication to prevent any future ailments.
Results & Benefits:
- Helps in Insomnia, Anxiety, & headaches
- Soothes & tones the skin
- Reduce Stress
- Opens the Third Eye
- Increases Spiritual Awareness
मी बँकेत कामाला आहे, कामाच्या अनियमित वेळा, बैठं काम,ताण, प्रवास, कौटुंबिक जबाबदार्या आणि आणि व्यायामाचा अभाव या कारणांमुळे अपचन, निद्रानाश आणि वाढतं वजन यासारख्या कारणांना सामोरे जावे लागत होते. या त्रासातून मुक्त होण्यासाठी मी आयुर्वेद पद्धतीचा अवलंब करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. व्यास आयुर्वेद यांच्या Menopause Care उपचार पद्धतीला मी सुरुवात केली आणि थोड्याच दिवसात मला खूप चांगला अनुभव आला, माझ्या मुख्य तक्रारी पूर्णपणे कमी झाल्या आहेत.
आणि यामुळे माझ्या वैयक्तिक आयुष्यात मी खूप आनंदी आहे. व्यास आयुर्वेद वरती मी पूर्णपणे विश्वास
ठेवते धन्यवाद !
स्वाती पवार, Working Woman
मला गेल्या पंधरा-सोळा वर्षापासून कोरड्या खोकल्याचा खूप त्रास होता. सर्व प्रकारची औषधे घेऊन पाहिली पण उपयोग होत नव्हता. नंतर डॉ.आरती व्यास यांचे औषध सुरू केले. वर्षभर औषध घेतले व त्याचा मला खूपच उपयोग झाला व खोकल्याचा त्रास पूर्ण बंद झाला आहे.
शैलजा ओक
What our community members have to say?
Experienced and benefited by 10,000+ members. Here’s what they think
Frequently Asked Questions
Ayurveda is an art and science of healing, a way of long, happy and healthy living. It literally means ‘to know about life.
Elimination therapy is ordinarily considered as Panchakarma. But these two are not identical. Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Basti (Medicated enemas), Raktamokshana (Blood Letting) and Nasya (nasal therapy) are called as panchakarma (five kinds of therapies). Before applying Panchakarma the preparations of the patient also means that the morbid materials lodged anywhere in the body are brought to elementary canal or near the elimination passage before the actual therapy is adopted. The morbid materials are eliminated through the nearest route from the place where it is mainly located. Post operative procedure includes certain type of diet which help to rehydrate, strengthen the digestion power, soothen the membrane and muscles of the elementary canal and also nourish the body. Palliative medicine will act better after this therapy.
Vyas Ayurvedha is functioning since 15 JUNE 2003.
In other system of medicines they treat the disease only, but in Ayurvedic system of medicine being a holistic approach to mankind; it not only treats the disease but treats the patient mentally as well as physically. It is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications.
• Avoid excessive physical work.
• Eat light and balanced food.
• Avoid spicy,oily,junk food etc.,