Special Treatments

At Vyas Ayurved we believe that every illness starts with weak digestion and metabolism (Low Agni). This creates AAMA and excess DOSHA (toxins). Excess Dosha and Aam toxins blocks channels and bodily functions. Finally tissues are undernourished and illness is created. So we create transformation using right Diet, home remedies, lifestyle changes, Detox panchkarma, herbal formulas and appropriate medication, to shift imbalances from the root causes. This holistic approach, amazingly supports the entire body system to bring back long lasting health naturally.

Special Karmas for Women

At Vyas Ayurved, our focus is on authentic Ayurveda rather than just wellness. Every guest’s treatment plan is responsibly selected and customized to his or her specific needs with Dr Aarti Vyas’s knowledge and experience. We at Vyas Ayurved give you clear recommendations for their patients’ health improvement and overall well-being.


Uttarbasti is a special Treatment, which we offer at Vyas Ayurved and done in proper aseptic & sterile conditions. 

How It Works:

This is an OPD PROCEDURE in which the Medicinal oil or Ghrita, is introduced with the assistance of rubber catheter into the uterine cavity under aseptic conditions. Medicines administered through Vaginal route have a cleansing and nourishing role. And is the best Treatment in Infertility with female origin. It helps to clean the Vaginal & Uterine infections. This Treatment provided Cleansing, Conditioning & Nourishing effects altogether. 

What to expect?

  •       Cures Fallopian Tubal Block
  •       Treats Endometriosis
  •       Treats Infertility
  •       Cures Uterine Fibroids
  •       Cures Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (D.U.B.) 

Note: Should not be used during Adolescent Girls, Menstruation, Pregnancy.

This Treatment can be done only between 6th to 9th day of the Menses (For continuous 3 days & for continuous 3 cycles). To avoid inconvenience, the patient is asked to clean the intimate area before coming for this Procedure. Every single aseptic precautionary measure is taken for this treatment. The time durations for this treatment is around 15-20 minutes.

This is a gentle & effective care for intimate Hygiene. This is a special Local Treatment in Ayurveda in which medicated decoction is introduced through vagina. In this procedure the Vagina, Vaginal passage and mouth of the uterus are washed with Medicated decoction. This medicinal wash is specially formulated for women during & after Pregnancy, and Adolescent girls to maintain hygiene. 

How It Works: While doing Douche, the medicated water prepared from Dravya’s V-Clean Tablets reaches the vagina & vaginal walls. As it’s warm temperature & medicinal effects, it removes the abnormal discharges from the vagina. It also treats the Vaginal PH, which is necessary for Fertilisation.

 What to expect? 

  •       Gentle cleansing of intimate areas in Women of any age.
  •       Important Treatment for Infertility & Pregnancy Care
  •       Helps in fighting odour, irritation, white discharge & Infections.
  •       Reduces Vaginal & Anal Inflammation & itching.
  •       Improves circulation.
  •       Heals Vaginal & Anal wounds.
  •       Very effective in Anti sperm antibodies 
  •       Relief from painful Coitus (Dyspareunia) 

Directions to Use:

For this Treatment, you need a tub where you can sit comfortably. Prepare warm water, add Dravya’s V-Clean Tablets into it, which disintegrates automatically in a few minutes. First sit in the tub, add the prepared Warm decoction into it. You a Can add more liquid after some interval of time. Sit for 15-20 minutes and follow this thrice a week for some months to get better results.

Note: Should not be used during Menstruation and traumatic bleeding.

This is a special treatment from Ayurveda, in which a cotton swab soaked in Dravya’s V-Soft (Specially prepared Medicinal oil), kept inside the vagina for a specific period of time. This is a local treatment for gynaecological diseases in females and also useful in antenatal care. Pichu means “cotton ball”. Yoni pichu is the application of a cotton swab soaked in medicated oil/decoction/herbal in the vagina. 

Yoni Pichu is for anyone who suffers from 

  •       Vaginal dryness in any age
  •       Painful coitus (Dyspareunia)
  •       White discharge (Leucorrhea)
  •       Recurrent Miscarriages

What to expect? 

Gynaecological benefits:

  •       Purification process of Genital organs in Females.
  •       Important Treatment for Infertility & Pregnancy Care
  •       Very effective in Anti Sperm Antibodies 

Obstetrical benefits:

  •       Relief from itching, dryness, and white discharge due to local infections throughout the pregnancy
  •       Post-operative (L.S.C.S.) management after Delivery to correct the damage and for Future Vaginal Uterine Health. 

 Directions to Use:

Patient is asked to empty the bladder and be in a standing or lithotomy position. The cotton swab is soaked in the given oil, and introduced vaginally under aseptic precautions.

 After procedure: The oil pichu kept in vagina can be removed after 4-6 hours manually and thrown away just like we have introduced earlier & wash your hands. 

How It Works: Pichu helps the Medicine to remain at the site for a longer period for better action. The Herbs and base oil have high antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Note: Should not be used during Menstruation and in Adolescent Girls

Yoni Dhoopana (Vaginal  Steaming) with Dravya’s Ashtang Dhoop is an effective Ayurvedic Treatment to treat various disease related with vagina, uterus, Menstruation, Anal area.

How It Works?: Ayurvedic fumigation (Dhoopana) is an example of drug delivery through the inhalation route and directed onto the vaginal area. This treatment facilitates several advantages including ease of drug administration and high potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier.

The Herbs used in this treatment are Disinfectant, Anti-bacterial (Air & Fire Element) 

In this procedure, the Medicines blend with the heat from the steam reaching to the outer vaginal wall, which stimulates the vestibular fossa, Bartholin gland, thereby helping in secretions & improving blood circulation to these areas.

What to expect? 

  •       Benefits women after Miscarriage & Abortions.
  •       Helps to regain the Health of Vagina in case of D&C (Dilation and Curettage), Abortions, Infertility  & after Normal or Caesarean Delivery
  •       Cures vaginal itching, infections, dryness.
  •       Effective treatment for Menstrual cramps even in adolescent girls. 

How To Do It?:

The Herbal powders are put on fire, with the help of Charcoal & Cow dung cakes, or on electric dhoop dani,  to produce smoke.


Should not be used during Menstruation, Pregnancy, active infections, UTI, if you are having intrauterine contraceptive devices, tears, trauma.

It is useful in-Home fumigation purposes as well.

It is 100 % safe to use in Adolescent girl’s Menstrual problems and also for Fumigation of Newborn Babies (With proper precautions).

Uttarbasti (Intrauterine Detox)

Uttarbasti is a special Treatment, which we offer at Vyas Ayurved and done in proper aseptic & sterile conditions. 

How It Works:

This is an OPD PROCEDURE in which the Medicinal oil or Ghrita, is introduced with the assistance of rubber catheter into the uterine cavity under aseptic conditions. Medicines administered through Vaginal route have a cleansing and nourishing role. And is the best Treatment in Infertility with female origin. It helps to clean the Vaginal & Uterine infections. This Treatment provided Cleansing, Conditioning & Nourishing effects altogether. 

What to expect?

  •       Cures Fallopian Tubal Block
  •       Treats Endometriosis
  •       Treats Infertility
  •       Cures Uterine Fibroids
  •       Cures Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (D.U.B.) 

Note: Should not be used during Adolescent Girls, Menstruation, Pregnancy.

This Treatment can be done only between 6th to 9th day of the Menses (For continuous 3 days & for continuous 3 cycles). To avoid inconvenience, the patient is asked to clean the intimate area before coming for this Procedure. Every single aseptic precautionary measure is taken for this treatment. The time durations for this treatment is around 15-20 minutes.

Yoni Dhavan (Vaginal Wash)

This is a gentle & effective care for intimate Hygiene. This is a special Local Treatment in Ayurveda in which medicated decoction is introduced through vagina. In this procedure the Vagina, Vaginal passage and mouth of the uterus are washed with Medicated decoction. This medicinal wash is specially formulated for women during & after Pregnancy, and Adolescent girls to maintain hygiene. 

How It Works: While doing Douche, the medicated water prepared from Dravya’s V-Clean Tablets reaches the vagina & vaginal walls. As it’s warm temperature & medicinal effects, it removes the abnormal discharges from the vagina. It also treats the Vaginal PH, which is necessary for Fertilisation.

 What to expect? 

  •       Gentle cleansing of intimate areas in Women of any age.
  •       Important Treatment for Infertility & Pregnancy Care
  •       Helps in fighting odour, irritation, white discharge & Infections.
  •       Reduces Vaginal & Anal Inflammation & itching.
  •       Improves circulation.
  •       Heals Vaginal & Anal wounds.
  •       Very effective in Anti sperm antibodies 
  •       Relief from painful Coitus (Dyspareunia) 

Directions to Use:

For this Treatment, you need a tub where you can sit comfortably. Prepare warm water, add Dravya’s V-Clean Tablets into it, which disintegrates automatically in a few minutes. First sit in the tub, add the prepared Warm decoction into it. You a Can add more liquid after some interval of time. Sit for 15-20 minutes and follow this thrice a week for some months to get better results.

Note: Should not be used during Menstruation and traumatic bleeding.

Yoni Pichu (Vaginal Swab)

This is a special treatment from Ayurveda, in which a cotton swab soaked in Dravya’s V-Soft (Specially prepared Medicinal oil), kept inside the vagina for a specific period of time. This is a local treatment for gynaecological diseases in females and also useful in antenatal care. Pichu means “cotton ball”. Yoni pichu is the application of a cotton swab soaked in medicated oil/decoction/herbal in the vagina. 

Yoni Pichu is for anyone who suffers from 

  •       Vaginal dryness in any age
  •       Painful coitus (Dyspareunia)
  •       White discharge (Leucorrhea)
  •       Recurrent Miscarriages

What to expect? 

Gynaecological benefits:

  •       Purification process of Genital organs in Females.
  •       Important Treatment for Infertility & Pregnancy Care
  •       Very effective in Anti Sperm Antibodies 

Obstetrical benefits:

  •       Relief from itching, dryness, and white discharge due to local infections throughout the pregnancy
  •       Post-operative (L.S.C.S.) management after Delivery to correct the damage and for Future Vaginal Uterine Health. 

 Directions to Use:

Patient is asked to empty the bladder and be in a standing or lithotomy position. The cotton swab is soaked in the given oil, and introduced vaginally under aseptic precautions.

 After procedure: The oil pichu kept in vagina can be removed after 4-6 hours manually and thrown away just like we have introduced earlier & wash your hands. 

How It Works: Pichu helps the Medicine to remain at the site for a longer period for better action. The Herbs and base oil have high antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Note: Should not be used during Menstruation and in Adolescent Girls

Yoni Dhoopana (Vaginal Steaming)

Yoni Dhoopana (Vaginal  Steaming) with Dravya’s Ashtang Dhoop is an effective Ayurvedic Treatment to treat various disease related with vagina, uterus, Menstruation, Anal area.

How It Works?: Ayurvedic fumigation (Dhoopana) is an example of drug delivery through the inhalation route and directed onto the vaginal area. This treatment facilitates several advantages including ease of drug administration and high potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier.

The Herbs used in this treatment are Disinfectant, Anti-bacterial (Air & Fire Element) 

In this procedure, the Medicines blend with the heat from the steam reaching to the outer vaginal wall, which stimulates the vestibular fossa, Bartholin gland, thereby helping in secretions & improving blood circulation to these areas.

What to expect? 

  •       Benefits women after Miscarriage & Abortions.
  •       Helps to regain the Health of Vagina in case of D&C (Dilation and Curettage), Abortions, Infertility  & after Normal or Caesarean Delivery
  •       Cures vaginal itching, infections, dryness.
  •       Effective treatment for Menstrual cramps even in adolescent girls. 

How To Do It?:

The Herbal powders are put on fire, with the help of Charcoal & Cow dung cakes, or on electric dhoop dani,  to produce smoke.


Should not be used during Menstruation, Pregnancy, active infections, UTI, if you are having intrauterine contraceptive devices, tears, trauma.

It is useful in-Home fumigation purposes as well.

It is 100 % safe to use in Adolescent girl’s Menstrual problems and also for Fumigation of Newborn Babies (With proper precautions).

Our Treatments

Head is the most important organ of the body, because all the senses and sense organs are located in it. The massage over the head provides nourishment to all the senses and promotes their normal functions.

An Ayurvedic head massage can be done with or without oil by rubbing the scalp and forehead with palms or tapping it with fingers. The relaxing massage helps to remove the excessive heat & toxins in the body. It helps in cases of loss of memory and in diseases of the nervous system

Head Massage is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Baldness, greying of hair, severe hair fall
  •       Headache, migraine
  •       Insomnia, stress and mental disorders.

What to expect?

  •       Vata Dosha is pacified
  •       Helps to improve eyesight
  •       Alleviates burning sensation in the feet & eyes.

Note: Not advisable during menstrual days.

(foot sole Massage) is an important Panchakarma treatment while doing Anti-ageing therapy. According to Vagbhata, there are four important nerves in the soles of feet, which are connected with the head. Because of heat, excessive pressure, & friction, these nerves get affected.

Padabhyanga is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Dryness, numbness, roughness, fatigue in the feet
  •       Lack of sensation and cracking in the soles
  •       Cramps, Sciatica and Insomnia
  •       Excessive body heat 

What to expect?

  •       It cures dryness, numbness, roughness, fatigue, & lack of sensation and cracking in the soles
  •       It promotes vision, as soles of feet are very closely connected with Eye-sight
  •       Proper functioning of Auditory (Ear) organs

·       It also improves blood circulation & strength of lower limbs.

Bronze Facelift: In India Bronze has been known since before 5000 years and considered to be a sacred metal having healing properties.

Bronze is known as Kansa, a metal blend of copper, tin and zinc. Since Bronze is a conductor, you can tune your chakras (Seven spiritual centres of the body) & Doshas which indirectly increases the body’s ability to heal.

A facial designed to balance your doshas, chakras and skin PH level. It is an Ayurvedic therapeutic method similar to jade rollers and Gua Sha crystal. Ayurveda promotes an inside out holistic approach for skin care. 

How is the Bronze Facelift done?

This unique Ayurvedic Bronze facial works on Marmas found on the chakras. Marmas are the Ayurvedic acupressure points. A Kansa wand and Ghrita medicines are used in the massage.

It aids in lymphatic drainage, which is a body’s natural detoxing mechanism. It also detoxifies by drawing out acidity in the Skin and balances Skin’s PH level.

What to expect?

  •       Stimulates circulation, resulting in clearer, smoother skin
  •       Depuff the eyes
  •       Firm the jawline & cheekbones
  •       Relaxes the neck and shoulder
  •       Chakras, Doshas and Skin PH level are balanced

  Note: We use Ayurvedically processed and purified Cow’s Ghrita Medicine.

Shirodhara is a unique form of ancient Ayurvedic therapy of pouring oil on the forehead. The oil is poured from a specific height and for a specific period continuously and rhythmically allowing the properly heated oil to run through the scalp and into the hair.

Kashaya Dhara

When the Kadha or medicated decoctions are poured over the forehead the therapy is called Kashaya Dhara.

Takra Dhara

When the medicated buttermilk is poured over the forehead the therapy is called Takra Dhara.

The space between the two eyebrows is the seat of Pituitary & Pineal Gland (Agnya Chakra). Pituitary gland is one of the main glands of the Endocrine System & helps to control growth, regulate Blood pressure, governs the Thyroid glands, & Metabolism.

In Yoga & Spiritualism, the Pituitary Gland is often referred as “Third Eye” & is associated with higher awareness & consciousness. It is connected to our balance in the world & entire endocrine system.

Ayurveda emphasizes on correct behaviour, proper diet, attending to natural urges, control of Psychological activity and the observance of daily as well as seasonal regimen to prevent diseases. Any compromise or failure to observe any of these measures culminates in disease.

Mind has a role to play at all stages of an individual’s life and Soul is the ultimate seat of all knowledge and in the case of Humans, it has to depend on Sensory organs for knowledge.

 Shirodhara is for anyone who suffers from

  •   Mental stress, Hypertension, Sleep disorders, Anxiety, Depression
  •   Paralysis, Insomnia, Recurrent Dreams
  •   Headache, Baldness, Hair fall, Dandruff, Greying of Hair
  •   All types of Skin diseases (Psoriasis, Eczema, Leucoderma)
  •   Memory loss
  •   PCOD, Thyroid
  •   Menopausal issues, PCOS
  •   Diabetes, Tinnitus (Ear disorder)
  •   Obesity & hormonal imbalance


How is Shirodhara done? 

Procedure: A flow of medicated oil or buttermilk is poured continuously on the forehead for 30 to 60 minutes, inducing a mental state similar to trance.

The Medicine starts its action due to Rhythmic streaming, pressure of continuous pouring & temperature of the oil, to penetrate through Skin pores to the sebaceous glands. This helps in relaxation of frontalis muscle to normalize the entire body activity & achieves with lowering Heart rate, Respiration, Blood pressure, Adrenalin levels and muscle tensions.

After Procedure: After the Shirodhara the client is asked to take rest for about 15 minutes and then to take a head bath with warm water. Use of soap is discouraged; alternatively, one can use Dravya’s Hair Wash Powder.

Duration & Course of Dhara: The process of pouring the liquid is carried out for about 30 to 90 minutes. Depending upon the nature of the illness and the physical condition of the client, Shirodhara is performed daily and continued for 7,14 or 21 days.

What to expect?

Shirodhara is specially indicated in the following conditions-

  •       Highly beneficial for general relaxation, revitalizing the nervous system and giving mental peace.
  •       Improves confidence and self-esteem.
  •       Helps to postpone Ageing process

·       Post menopause wellness

Inducing perspiration by using heated round packs of Medicated Rice, cooked in Herbal Decoction or Medicated Milk referred as Pinda Sweda. This is the most popular therapy of Kerala Panchakarma.

This treatment causes both oleation and fomentation of the body at same time and also removes stiffness, swelling in joints caused by vitiated Vata. This is an easy and effective procedure and is ideal in healthy persons, children and also patients suffering from illness due to morbid Vata Dosha. 

Pinda Sweda is for anyone who suffers from

  •   Dryness of skin, undernourishment of body

.      Skin diseases, Allergies, Autoimmune diseases

  •   Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Neuro-muscular disorders
  •   Thyroid, Hypertension, Diabetes
  •   Vatavyadhi, Stress, Depression
  •   Excessive sleep, Untimely Ageing, Wrinkles
  •   Infertility,Post-menopause issues
  •   Premature greying of Hair, baldness

How is Pinda Sweda done?

Usually Pinda Sweda is performed in a course. One course may involve 7,14,21 or 28 sittings. Fourteen days course is ideal for a normal individual for the promotion of health.This is a special type of massage done with rice cooked in milk and herbs. This rice is specially grown for Medical Purpose. 

   This cooked rice is then tied in muslin cloth to make a bolus, and then dipped in hot herbal decoction and then massaged into the joints and whole body.

Patients suffering from Severe illness like Paralysis, are advised one or two such courses are in a year.

After Procedure: After Pindasweda, a person is asked to take rest in a chair for about fifteen minutes. For cleaning the oil use of soap is discouraged. Dravya’s Herbal Wash Powder may be comfortably used to make the skin oil free. After the procedure, the person is asked to take light liquid food and rest for a few minutes.

Patients should avoid immediate exposure to cold breeze, open air and contact with cold water.

Mental Disorders are subjected to courses of Pinda Sweda quite frequently, depending upon severity of illness and the response to the Swedana treatment.

Contraindications: Heart ailments, Pregnancy, Kids

What to expect?

Reduction in stress and insomnia

Smoothened skin

Stress relief

Udvartana (Dry Powder Massage): Massaging the body in upward directions (opposite to body hair) with soft Herbal formulations is defined as Udvartana. The selection of Herbs and powders are according to the Skin type, complaints and constitution of a patient. It stimulates the movement of the lymph, encourages circulation, bolsters the health of the skin, and lends strength and tone to the tissues of the body.

It is an important & mandatory therapy in Obesity, Skin Treatments and can be done daily. This therapy is usually done after oil application and in a rhythmic way with the help of trained therapists. It can also serve as a fantastic exfoliant and helpful in excess oil secretions.

 Udvartana is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Obesity & related complications
  •       Excessive sleep
  •       Diabetes
  •       PCOS, Hypothyroidism
  •       Infertility
  •       Menstrual disorders
  •       Post-delivery conditions like toning and stretch marks / cellulitis
  •       Lethargy & laziness
  •       Diabetic neuropathy

 How is Udvartana done? After a whole body light oil massage, Udvartana will begin using herbal paste application to your body and work it into your skin, against the direction of hair growth.

How It Works? : The Therapeutic action of the treatment Udvartana is based on the   pharmacological activities of the medicine used. Udvartana therapy is the transmission of energy in the form of motion with pressure. When the procedure starts, the deep pressure massage helps the interchange of tissue fluids by increasing the circulation in the superficial vein and lymphatic and helps in mechanical stimulation causing muscles to contract.

The Swedana Karma(sudation) which is induced by the therapy. Skin is the largest organ with which we pose and has a large surface area, and it is one of the important excretory organs and the excretory products of metabolism are removed continuously from the body through the skin.

It increases circulation mainly in the veins, the alternate pressure and relaxation brings fresh blood to the part and improves the nutrition of the particular area. Increased blood supply because of the vasodilatation stimulates both motor and sensory nerve endings to various parts of the body and increases metabolism by which the toxins and free radicals which are responsible for the formation of the disease are excreted out of the body.

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Course Duration: 7 days, 14 days, 21 days

The  course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Contraindications: Presence of wounds, cuts, burns and oozing skin, Pregnant woman,

Dry skin, Inflammatory conditions, Certain cancer &  Menstrual days

 What to expect?

  •       Destroys morbid Kapha and Vata
  •       Liquefies and mobilizes the stagnant morbid Meda (Fat cells)
  •       Rejuvenates the skin and brings freshness in it
  •       Alleviates foul smell and heaviness of the body.
  •       Removes itching and relieves from tastelessness
  •       Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels and transport system of the body and enables free circulation of nutrients and essentials in the body
  •       Provides shine and complexion
  •       Cleanses the body.

Note: It is not recommended for those over sixty-five years of age, kids & infants, Certain cardiac problem, Haemorrhagic disorders.

Fever: As the temperature might increase during the therapy.

Netra Basti: Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes by application of medicated oils, medicated Ghrita, is known as Netrabasti.

Netra Basti is for anyone who is suffering from:

Who wants  to improve eyesight, 

Recurrent Conjunctivitis, 

Kids weak eyesight,

Who needs relief from strain on eyes due to increased screen time. 

How is Netra Basti done?

 In this procedure, the patient is made to lie on his back and a medicated ghee is then poured gently into the eyes and later in the process the eyes will be open and closed for a couple of times under the doctor’s supervision.

Treatment Duration: 10-15 minutes per Eye (it depends on patient’s condition)

 What to expect?

  •       Helps to eliminate dryness, itchiness and irritation of the eyes.
  •       Eases wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.
  •       Improves Vision.
  •       Nourishes and rejuvenates eyes.
  •       Enhances the beauty of the eyes.
  •       This therapy heals stiffness, pain and roughness around the eyes.
  •       It strengthens the eyes and protects them against the sun’s sharp ray.

Note: This Treatment is 100 % safe for kids above 5 Years of age.

Karnapooran: This is a process of medicated  Ghrita or Oils applied to the ears for 5 to 10 minutes. This process helps to clean the ear and avoid ailments associated with the ears.

  Karnapooran is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Headache
  •       Lock-jaw, giddiness

.    Tinnitus 

  •       Diseases of Teeth & Gums

Duration: 5 – 10 minutes per Ear (Depending upon the Health Condition).

Course Duration: 7, 14 days 

Note: This is a very helpful, effective & 100% safe treatment to a New-born as well, if done in a proper way.

Katibasti (Lower back region) The procedure of applying indirect heat to the sacral or lumbar region by retaining warm medicated oil, within a specially formed frame on this area is popularly known by the name Katibasti.

 Katibasti is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Painful conditions of the lower back region.
  •       Diseases like, Lumbar spondylosis, Disc prolapse, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lumbosacral strain.
  •       Confinement period after childbirth especially after Caesarean Section.

How is Kati Basti done?

The term Basti here is a misnomer. Basti generally refers to the administration of the medicine through the rectal route, but the Kati Basti does not involve any such procedure; rather this is a localized form of Swedana procedure. As warm oil is used to apply heat, this is considered as a variety of Snigdha Sweda. The procedure Svedana itself is beneficial in relieving the pain; in addition to this the medicated oil that gets absorbed from the skin has unique therapeutic effects. 

After Procedure: After the Katibasti the client is asked to take rest for about 15 minutes in a lying down position. Then they may be allowed to take a hot water bath. The use of toilet soap to clean the oil should be discouraged; instead Dravya’s Herbal Bath Powder is recommended.

Griva Basti (Neck region): The procedure of applying indirect heat to the cervical region by retaining warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame on this area is known by the name Griva Basti. 

Griva Basti is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Painful conditions of cervical regions like, Cervical Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Disc       prolapse, Ankylosing Spondylitis, etc.

Duration: 7, 14 days

After Procedure: After the Grivabasti the client is asked to take rest for about 15 minutes in a lying down position. Then they may be allowed to take a hot water bath. The use of toilet soap to clean the oil should be discouraged; instead use Dravya’s Herbal Bath Powder.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Panchakarma treatment is programmed according to your body type, pulse evaluation & health conditions.

Yes, of course. You don’t need to be unwell to do Panchakarma. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a preventive measure.  

Panchakarma treatment duration depends on various factors. Starting from 3 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, 21 days & 30 days programs are available as per cleansing types.

Prakriti Parikshan by means of Tridoshas is carried out by an Expert Doctor at Vyas Ayurved    Clinic. After diagnosis, treatment is decided. Please note, it is not possible to perform Panchakarma during menstruation period.

Vyas Ayurved offers Panchakarma treatments which heal the body and rejuvenate the mind and consciousness.

 Some highlighted benefits:

  • Revitalization of nervous system
  • Hormonal correction
  • Natural balance of doshas
  • Rejuvenation of skin
  • Provides shine and complexion
  • Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels and transport system of the body and enables free circulation of nutrients and essentials in the body.
  • Healing of body stiffness and pain
  • Elimination of toxins at physical, emotional and mental level

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