About Vyas Ayurved

Dr Aarti Vyas - Founder of Vyas Ayurved

BAMS,YIC(Yoga instructor Course), Fertility Coach

“I am neither a God nor a Guru but I will be with you in your journey of Pregnancy, Infertility & Motherhood. Me & my team will support & guide you.”

Dr Aarti Vyas heads the capable team at Vyas Ayurved which itself is a system of holistic wellness. She studied Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery from Pune University, India and later practiced as an Ayurvedic Female Doctor for indoor & outdoor patients at Kerala Ayurvedic Research Establishment (KARE). She is also an affiliate member of the SVYASA. She has treated patients across the globe including the U.S., U.K. Germany, Japan, Hongkong and India as well.

Over the last 20 years, as a Registered Ayurvedic Practitioner, Dr Aarti has maintained the synergy between ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and Holistic Wellness. This, as a driving force, inspires her to empower women across the globe through Health Education & Spiritual well-being.

As a Fertility Coach, Dr Aarti offers Pre-Pregnancy Detox Program (PPDP), Pregnancy Care Program (PCP) and Mother & Child Health Care (MCHC). She has speciality practise in Panchakarma treatment, mainly in Women Infertility, like Uttarbasti. Ayurvedic Beauty (Skin & Hair Care) treatments & Product Formulation services are also offered by her.

Dr Aarti is caring and passionate about Women Wellness and Fertility treatments. She has further qualifications in Yoga & Pranayama, Meditation, Nutrition and Counselling. She is a Certified Counsellor, REBT Therapy and also earned a Certified Degree in Yoga (Globally acclaimed University in Yoga -SVYASA Bengaluru University).

Always being fascinated with the power of herbs, Dr Aarti has raised her children on Herbs and heavily relies on the herbs for the health of her family. At Vyas Ayurved, along with the expert team, Dr Aarti delivers online courses, products and health consultations. She always focuses on practicing traditional Ayurvedic rituals using herbal remedies according to individual body types, ailments, dosha, prakriti and vikruti.

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