Panchakarma Cleansing Therapies

Our authentic Treatments offer a wide range of Panchakarma cleansing therapies that will detoxify your body and restore your vitality. Our team of trained therapists assures, to deeply relax your body and mind in a safe environment.

Why should you do Panchakarma?

We compromise our health due to the sedentary lifestyle, stressful conditions, processed food & poor nutrition. This invites the toxicity and doshas to the natural state of the body and health. Our body needs a deep cleanse to minimize the toxins and maintain the constitution and inner balance.

Panchakarma procedure is a physiological method of cleansing the body internally and helps to maintain a balanced Lifestyle. These treatments also give the cleansing effect through the skin. Panchakarma treatments are useful in the preservation, maintenance & conservation of health and promotion of longevity.

The term Ayurveda is made up of ‘Ayu’ and ‘Veda’, meaning life and knowledge respectively. Life is defined as an inseparable combination of Sharira (physical body), the Indriyas (various sensory-motor organs of the body), Manas (mind, psyche) and the Atman (soul, spirit, consciousness). Panchakarma cleanses the body, rejuvenates the core strength and restores the balance. Thus, Panchakarma therapy has a direct relevance to both, the healthy as well as ill persons.

How does it work?

Panchakarma is a combination of five treatments and processes.

Panchakarma is a purifying process of the whole body to attain proper balance of Vata, Pitta & Kapha doshas. These Ayurvedic procedures are purificatory and combined with physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. The treatment incorporates a unique blend of Ayurvedic herbal medicines and essential oils selected as per body type.
It is believed that the disease treated by drugs or medicines may recur or relapse but the disease treated with Panchakarma usually gives the result for a longer period.

The best way to detoxify, cleanse and rejuvenate yourself is through Panchakarma. We recommend that you plan your Treatment in consultation with our Doctors.

An individual is treated according to Ayurveda defined body types. The classical Pancha Karmas are:

Our Packages

We understand the need for short-term programs and have designed an outline for our 3-day, 5-day, 7-day and 14-day packages. These panchakarma packages are personalized as per needs and as per our client’s body type and present health condition. 

Mind Magic

The Mind Magic Program is essential for you if you are suffering from Fatigue, Insomnia or Anxiety. These conditions rule our everyday life and have a major impact on overall health and wellness.

Whether mild or severe, mental health conditions can be very distressing. According to Ayurveda, mental health concerns develop when one of the Doshas is out of balance.

Through the Mind Magic package, we offer hope to those seeking a way to manage their symptoms and return to a state of wellness. This package is tailor made and include combination of therapies such as :

  • Pinda Sweda
  • Nasya
  • Shirodhara
  • Massages
  • Udvartana
  • Facial massage
  • Head massage
  • Foot sole massage  

Package Type: 7 Days / 14 Days / 21 Days

Duration of Treatment: 60-90 Minutes per day

Price: It depends on the duration and condition of the patient.


Body Detox

Be it Inflammation, Immunity problem, Weight gain or Weight loss, the real culprits are Stress and Stomach issues. These symptoms push a person towards severe health conditions like Indigestion, Nausea, Overeating, Loss of appetite. Our lifestyle, regular consumption of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs further may add to other serious illnesses. 

Ayurveda takes a closer look to identify the root cause and promote long term relief. In our Body Detox Package, we try to improve your bowel movements, leading to toxin removal. It includes the therapies like:

  •  Abhyanga
  •  Shirodhara
  •  Basti
  •  Virechana
  •  Udvartana, 

Package Type:   5 Days / 7 Days / 14 Days

Duration of Treatment: 60-90 Minutes per day

Price: It totally depends on the duration and condition of the patient.


The most common visible signs of ageing are wrinkles, dryness, premature greying of Hair & Hair fall. Pure Skin is an indicator of results of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, like food we eat, purity of blood & intestines, and Immunity. 

Ayurvedic cleansing is an effective way to manage the impurities and gives best results. Anti-ageing Package includes two types of therapies: Promotive and Curative, which may include:

  • Abhyanga
  • Udvartana
  • Virechana
  • Yapan Basti
  • Shirodhara
  • Nasya
  • Leech Therapy
  • Pindasveda, & Detox.

Package Type: 7 Days / 14 Days

Treatment Duration: 60-90 Minutes Per Day

Price: As per the condition of the patient.

Pain Relief

Stress, Obesity and deficiencies are considered as Poor lifestyle diseases. Naturally Vata dominant health conditions like Joint pain, Arthritis, back pain, Sciatica, spondylitis, Back pain affect a large number of the population. Key reasons include lack of nourishment or bone density. 

Most of the therapies focus on using natural medicines along with Food and Exercise routines.

Pain Relief Packages at Vyas Ayurved, mostly focuses on nonsurgical therapies like:

  • Massages
  • Steam
  • Pindasveda
  • Basti
  • Virechana
  • Nasya
  • Kati basti
  • Manya Basti  

Package Type: 5 Days / 7 Days / 14 Days

Treatment Duration: 90 Minutes per day

Price: subject to the patient.

Booking Policy: We work mostly by appointment only. If you want to schedule your appointment on the phone, you need to provide us your full name, email id, a call back number, and your payment confirmation for reserving your spot.

Vamana is the procedure to eliminate the product from the upper gastro-intestinal tract. This is a cleansing procedure, which expels particularly the augmented or imbalance Kapha & Pitta, from the stomach through the mouth.

Vamana is for anyone who suffers from

  •       Indigestion
  •       Acute fever,
  •       Excessive salivation,
  •       Poor digestion,
  •       Bronchitis,
  •       Asthma,
  •       Skin diseases,
  •       Anorexia,
  •       Obesity,
  •       Other Kapha dominant diseases.

How is Vamana done?

Initial Consultation: Initial consultation with our Dr aarti Vyas, to determine your Dosha and whether or not Panchakarma is right for you. Ideally this program should be like a Health Vacation,

  Light and preferably bland food  as Lunch, Dinner & a  good rest is recommended at this phase. It is very important to maintain the Food and daily routine, while doing Vamana.

Steps followed 1 to 6 days prior to Vamana –

Internal Oleation: Internal Snehana (drinking a measured amount of Medicated ghee) is advised.

External Oleation: Snehana (Gentle oil massage) & Swedana (Fomentation) is carried out daily in morning hours.

Preparatory stage: Kapha is situated in & above chest region, so expelling from oral route is very easy. To expel it out, first the Kapha dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the stomach, and then vomiting is induced. This should be done in early morning hours.

Treatment Day: Night before, you will be given a kapha increasing special diet. 

 After these symptoms arrive, early in the morning after motion has been passed, 3-5 glasses of decoction prepared as per patient’s health condition are administered orally.

This results in reflux vomiting and helps to eliminate all the accumulated toxins which have been brought into the stomach as a result of the preparatory procedure done previously.

Post Therapy: The Paschatkarma consists of a specialized diet schedule designed to restore the digestive and absorptive capacity of the person leading to the normal state of health. This phase consists of Samsarjana Krama (Food Weaning). This specialized post therapy dietetic regimen brings back the patient to normal diet and lifestyle.

What to expect?

After effective Vamana, the patient instantly feels relieved and fresh. This in turn restores lost appetite & energy.

Contraindications: Ongoing Menses, Pregnancy, Breastfeed moms, Kids, Senior citizen

Note: Vamana should always be done under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic Physician.

Virechana is the process of elimination of the imbalanced Pitta through rectum. It cleanses the small intestine & the Pitta dominant organs such as Liver, and Gallbladder. This is a controlled process in which ama(toxins) from many Pitta locations are gathered and then concentrated in the small intestine further discharged.

Virechana is also indicated as one of the major Treatment Vata dosha diseases.

वातस्योपक्रम:  स्नेह स्वेद: संशोधनं मृदु: अ.हृ.सू.

For a healthy individual, Virechana is recommended as a seasonal cleansing therapy for maintenance, especially in Monsoon Season.

The treatment of Virechana not only cures the diseases but also makes the body healthy and vigorous by expelling the Dosha. This results in a soft body and increased appetite.

Virechana is for anyone who suffers from

  •   Pitta vitiated disease
  •   Skin diseases
  •   Psoriasis
  •   Epistaxis
  •   Worm infestation
  •   Uterine bleeding, and Gynaecological disorders
  •   Anorexia, burning
  •   Heart diseases

How is Virechana done?

Initial Consultation: Initial consultation with our Dr aarti Vyas, to determine your Dosha and whether or not Panchakarma is right for you. Ideally this program should be like a Health Vacation,

  Light and preferably bland food  as Lunch, Dinner & a  good rest is recommended at this phase. It is very important to maintain the Food and daily routine, while doing Virechana.

Steps followed 1 to 6 days prior to Virechana –

Internal Oleation: Internal Snehana (drinking a measured amount of Medicated ghee) is advised.

External Oleation: Snehana (Gentle oil massage) & Swedana (Fomentation) is carried out daily in morning hours.

Preparatory stage: The patient should not eat the Food (Qualitatively & Quantitatively) which may aggravate the basic body constituents. As per the season, the patient is given plenty of water or natural fluids to drink in order to avoid post Virechana dehydration & Fatigue.

  Night before, you will be given a special diet. 

Treatment Day: Toxins loosened by preparatory stage, the final push is Virechana. Virechana is carried out by giving Herbal Tea or Decoction or Pills which induce purgation, at bedtime. And the results are observed the following morning.

Post Therapy:The Paschatkarma consists of a specialized diet schedule designed to restore the digestive and absorptive capacity of the person leading to the normal state of health. This phase consists of Samsarjana Krama (Food Weaning). This specialized post therapy dietetic regimen brings back the patient to normal diet and lifestyle.


Ongoing Menses, Pregnancy, Breastfeed moms, Kids, Senior citizen

What to expect?

After Virechana, toxic & disease causing Pitta Dosha is removed, and this leads to all the benefits including promotion of digestion and metabolism. 

    1. It removes the toxins & excess mucus from the GI tract and thus improves digestion.
    2. Clears congestion from the liver and thus improves metabolism and fat digestion.
    3. Improves the condition of skin disorders, rashes & allergies.
  • It nourishes the Skin & manages your body weight.

Note: Virechana should always be done under the guidance and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic Physician.

Bastikarma is the procedure by which the medicines in suspension form are administered through rectum.

This is the most important procedure among Panchakarma procedures and the most appropriate remedial measure for Vata dosha. Nervous diseases (Vatavyadhi) originate from the Pakwashaya or Large Intestine. Hence the Basti is given to Pakwashaya through the anus. Many complicated Hormonal, Nervous & Chronic diseases can be successfully treated with this therapy.

Methods of Basti:

  •       Niruha Basti (Decoction Enema)
  •       Anuvasana Basti (Oil Enema)
  •       Matra Basti


How is Basti done?

Oil is applied & massaged to the patient’s abdomen, back, thighs & legs. After this fomentation is given locally or the whole body.

Before Basti, the patient is asked to vacate the bladder to hold the medicine for appropriate time.

Patient is made to lie down & should take left lateral position with left lower extremity straight and right lower extremity flexed on knee and hip joint.

A little lubrication is applied to the anus and also to the disposable rubber catheter which is attached to the Basti apparatus.

Now slowly & with equal pressure and steady hands, the Basti material is pushed in.

During administration of Basti, the patients should take deep breaths. A patient should remain lying in the same posture for a few minutes after administration of Basti.

Basti Therapies:

Kashaya Basti (Decoction Enema method) also known as Niruha Basti: 

The decoctions with various Herbs with the mixture of Honey + Kshar (Salt) elements + Sesame oil are used.. The quantity is around 1000 ml & is more cleansing in action. The decoctions are not supposed to be retained in the body for a longer time.

The usual time of administration: Kashaya Basti should be given an empty stomach & have to wait in our clinic for a longer time.


Ongoing Menstruation, Pregnancy,KIds, Diarrhoea, Anal wounds

Kashaya Basti is for anyone who suffers from:

  • Distended stomach
  • Chronic fever
  • Impurities of semen & menstrual flow

What to expect? 

. Relieves heaviness & bloating from stom stomach

. Lighter feel in body & pain relief if any

 Sneha Basti (Oil Enema method) also known as Anuvasana Basti: 

Administration of medicated oil through anal route is called Sneha Basti. The dosage through anal route may vary from 100 ml to 250 ml according to the Dosha predominance, disease condition / patient’s condition etc.

This Basti is less in quantity and is supposed to be retained in the Body. They are more nourishing in nature.

The usual time of administration: immediately after food.

Diet during treatment: Patient is asked to take light and nutritious food during the next meal time. If he/she is thirsty, should consume boiled and warm water for drinking. Water processed with special herbs like ImmuniT is given for drinking for better results. Light diet in the form of milk, gram soup, meat soup etc is advisable.

Contraindications: Inflammation in anal area, Pregnancy, Kids.

 Sneha Basti is for anyone who suffers from:

  •       Neurological and arthritic conditions
  •       Back aches, Sciatica
  •       Other Vata diseases.

What to expect?

  •       Excited Vata is appeased
  •       Bowel movements are regularised



This is the method of administration of medicated oil in small doses, which can be given daily and is totally harmless. It is advisable especially in Kids, Pregnant Women, as an Emergency Treatment, without any regime. It is a type of Snehabasti and indications are similar to Snehabasti.

It can be indicated irrespective of age and no precautionary measures are required . The usual dosage is 60 ml.

Matrabasti is for anyone who suffers from:

  •       Excess Physical and Mental exertion
  •       Alcoholism
  •       Debility
  •       Neurological and arthritic conditions
  •       Back aches, Sciatica
  •       Other Vata diseases.

It can be indicated irrespective of age and no precautionary measures are required. The usual dosage is 60 ml.

Nasya (Therapeutic Nasal Administration): Administration of medicines through nostrils is called Nasya.

नासा हि शिरसो द्वारं…

According to Ayurved, the Nose is the gateway of the Head, so systematically performing Nasya, cures almost all the diseases of the Brain. It cleanses and opens the channels of the head and improves the Prana which has a direct impact one Brain & Hormonal functioning.

Nasya is indicated mainly in aggravated and accumulated Doshas of the head and neck region. Nasya is a method of sending the medicated Oils & Ghee, prepared Milk, Juice, through the Nose into the head.

Nasya is for anyone who suffers from:

  •       Recurrent Headache
  •       Migraine, Sinusitis
  •       Ear, Nose, & Throat diseases
  •       Facial paralysis
  •       Cervical spondylitis
  •       Cataract
  •       Hyper pigmentation
  •       Alopecia
  •       Thyroid disorders
  •       Hormonal Imbalances
  •       Infertility

How Nasya is done?

The patient is asked to sit or lie down in a comfortable posture and given a gentle massage over the head, forehead and face followed by mild Svedana (Hot Fomentation with Dryer).

Slightly warm Medicated Oil or Ghrita is instilled in the prescribed dose in each nostril. Gentle massage is performed. The patient is allowed to spit if he/she feels discomfort due to Medicine in the throat. After completion of the procedure, oil on the face is wiped off and complete rest is advised to the patient for some time. Gargling with hot water may be followed.

What to expect?

  •       Improved brain and hormonal functioning
  •       Improved Prana energy



Raktamokshana (Therapeutic Bloodletting / Leech Therapy): Leech therapy is a method in which the localized impure blood is let out using Leeches. Leeches have been used in medicinal practice since ancient times to treat many diseases. Due to its magnificent therapeutic effect, this is successfully practiced even today. It is very much effective in skin disorders and certain non-healing wounds. Leech is also used to relieve venous congestion and to improve blood circulation.

जलं आसां‌ आयु:इति जलायुका: 

जलं आसां ओक शति जलौकरा:

Raktamokshana (Leech Therapy) is for anyone who suffers from:

  •       Psoriasis
  •       Unhealed wound
  •       Eczema, Cellulitis
  •       Varicose vein
  •       Inflammatory reactions
  •       Vitiligo
  •       Thrombosis (blood clot) Alopecia
  •       Diabetes wounds

How Raktamokshana is done? Leeches pierces a person’s skin and inserts anticoagulants through their saliva. The leeches are then allowed to extract blood, for 20-45 minutes at a time, this equates to a relatively small amount of blood, up to 15 milliliters per leech.

This equates to a relatively small amount of blood, up to 15 milliliters per leech.

Mode of Action:  Leech have many distinct enzymes in its saliva through which they act. The enzymes enter the blood through the place where the leech sucks the blood. The most important enzyme is the Hirudin, which is secreted from the leech and acts as an anticoagulant which helps the leech to suck out the blood without any barrier.

This enzyme also has the ability to stay in the blood and does vasodilation and further facilitates the blood supply to the surrounding tissues and prevents necrosis thereby helps in healing. This therapy is useful in kids as well.This is a stainless process of removing impure blood.

Treatment duration: 20 to 45 minutes

The treatment duration depends on the severity of the condition.


Immunocompromised patients, Haemophilia, Arterial insufficiency, Extreme infections and disorders etc.

 What to expect?

  •       Improved blood circulation.
  •       Fast healing.
  •       Reduced pain and congestion at the site.
  •       Reduced inflammation.
  •       Decreased infection.

Note: At Vyas Ayurved, we take proper precautions while selecting the Leeches as per patient’s age and Health condition. We always use new Leech for each session to avoid contamination. It’s a very effective treatment even in kids age group after 5 years of age.

Phases of cleanse in Panchakarma

1. Purvakarma (Preparatory) – The Purva Karma is the preparatory procedure required to be undertaken before actual Panchakarma therapy is administered. The Purva Karma mainly consists of Pachana (correcting the digestion through regulating the function of the Jatharagni), Snehana (Massages) and Swedana (Fomentation Therapies). The body is prepared for the treatment by loosening toxins and excess doshas. 

2.  Pradhankarma (Main treatment) – The Pradhankarma consists of the fivefold purificatory procedures mainly designed to eliminate the vitiated Doshas. This is the phase of treatment and therapies when the toxins are eliminated from the body.

3. Paschatkarma (Post treatment) – The Paschatkarma consists of a specialized diet schedule designed to restore the digestive and absorptive capacity of the person leading to the normal state of health. This phase consists of Samsarjana Krama (Food Weaning). This specialized post therapy dietetic regimen brings back the patient to normal diet and lifestyle.

Healthy Guidelines

Precautionary measure and care has to be taken during all Panchakarma Treatments

One should follow the healthy rituals for better results

1.     Avoid assuming sitting posture for long duration

2.    Avoid  Standing for long, travelling, day sleep

3.    Avoid Sexual intercourse, Suppression of urges

4.    Avoid  Incompatible diet, Emotional disturbances like grief, anger

5.     Avoid Exposure to cold conditions like AC, Breeze

6.    Avoid Smoking, excessive sleep

7.    Avoid Exposure to dust, excess sunlight and wind

8.    Avoid  being awake at night, Excessive walking

9.    Avoid loud and prolonged speech

10. Avoid use of cold water

11. All Panchakarma treatments are avoided during menstrual days

12. Use of warm water to drink, bathe and for other activities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Panchakarma treatment is programmed according to your body type, pulse evaluation & health conditions.

Yes, of course. You don’t need to be unwell to do Panchakarma. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a preventive measure.  

Panchakarma treatment duration depends on various factors. Starting from 3 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, 21 days & 30 days programs are available as per cleansing types.

Prakriti Parikshan by means of Tridoshas is carried out by an Expert Doctor at Vyas Ayurved    Clinic. After diagnosis, treatment is decided. Please note, it is not possible to perform Panchakarma during menstruation period.

Vyas Ayurved offers Panchakarma treatments which heal the body and rejuvenate the mind and consciousness.

 Some highlighted benefits:

  • Revitalization of nervous system
  • Hormonal correction
  • Natural balance of doshas
  • Rejuvenation of skin
  • Provides shine and complexion
  • Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels and transport system of the body and enables free circulation of nutrients and essentials in the body.
  • Healing of body stiffness and pain
  • Elimination of toxins at physical, emotional and mental level

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